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Fight Network

Accessibility Feedback

Fight Network Corporation (“Fight Network”) is committed to conducting business and, providing quality facilities and services to its employees and clients in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities. This includes ensuring that persons with disabilities are not disadvantaged in any way from accessing Fight Network facilities and/or services. 


Under the Accessible Canada Act (the “ACA”), the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission Accessibility Reporting Regulations and the Accessible Canada Regulations (collectively, the “Regulations”), Fight Network must establish a process for receiving and responding to feedback about how Fight Network is implementing its accessibility plan and the way Fight Network provides access to it’s facilities and/or services to persons with disabilities.


Feedback Process


Fight Network will proactively solicit feedback from its employees with disabilities, its customers and will seek additional input from organizations that support and aid persons with disabilities. All feedback will be treated confidentially.

Feedback should include information regarding the barriers encountered by persons dealing with Fight Network. The purpose of the accessibility feedback is to ensure that Fight Network identifies and collects information from persons with disabilities who may be experiencing difficulties related to one of the following areas:


  • Content accessibility (e.g. I can't find closed captions or described video)

  • Digital accessibility (e.g. I can't use my assistive technology on the website or app)

  • Facilities (e.g. I can't access CBC facilities with my wheelchair)


Fight Network is committed to providing excellent customer service and welcomes customer input to improve the accessibility of our facility and/or services. Fight Network will acknowledge all feedback within two business days and will thereafter provide a timeframe for resolution or redress. Fight Network will follow-up with any required action within the timeframe noted. Information on this feedback process will be readily available and will include information about what actions are required to be taken after feedback is received. The feedback may consist of a suggestion, compliment or complaint relating to the accessibility of Fight Network’s facilities and/or services.  Fight Network will consult the individual providing the feedback to determine what is the most accessible or appropriate alternate format or accessible communication support. For individuals that would like to remain anonymous please do not include your email or any other contact information in you feedback letter or form.


Feedback may be submitted by:


In person at Anthem’s office located at 25 York Street, Suite 1810, Toronto, ON, M5J 2V5

By telephone at 416 987 2321 – Anthony Cicione – President

By mail in writing – 25 York Street, Suite 1810, Toronto, ON M5J 2V5

(Attention: Anthony Cicione – President)

By email at


Feedback should include:


Time and date.

Description of interaction or experience, suggestion or complain.

Additional comments

Contact information

Alternate format or accessible mode of communication

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